I decided to do a Get to know me Q+A so that you all have a chance to know who’s behind your favorite articles! I’ve compiled a list of questions that you said you want to know about me and answered some of them here. I chose only to answer a few for now in Part 1 and will be doing another part later on! Check out my video for longer answers or I’ve also written short answers out below:
Where are you from?
Minnesota! If you stick around with me, you’ll get to see just how much I love this state. I think that there’s a lot of misconceptions about Minnesota. I’ve heard so many people who’ve never been there but think it’s all cows and fields. Very not true! I love to show people the truth.
What’s your Zodiac Sign and is it accurate?
I’m a Taurus (go bulls!) and for the most part, what I’ve read is really accurate. We tend to be stubborn, extremely loyal, both gentle and strong, and don’t like to be pushed. We also are the sign of perseverance. All of these things are accurate to the T. My mom’s friend told her when I was young that Tauruses also tend to be good at many things and find it hard to narrow down their interest. He warned that I need to learn to do that or I could get lost in life.
Are you single?
Yes! I have been for almost a year and a half now and I am happy that way.
Makeup Products you use?
The funny thing about me is that I love makeup – I love doing makeup, shopping for makeup, watching tutorials – but I cannot stand actually wearing makeup. The feeling is not great! But I usually prefer to go natural. I’m definitely someone who never wears a ton of makeup (I never wear foundation).
I’ll put up with everything but mascara – I hate it so much. More on that story later. But I’d say on the daily, I wear concealer (currently smash box) and do my eyebrows (Benefit Cosmetics Gimme Brow). I actually think out of all the mascaras I’ve tried I like Urban Decay Perversion the best. I can’t wait for mascara to no longer be a thing.
What’s your least favorite thing about Instagram?
The algorithm. It’s always changing and it’s impossible to keep up with. I hate how secretive they are about everything. When I first joined Instagram, I was so anti-social media. It’s funny looking at everything now. But I fell in love with how creative and visual the platform was, and I feel like that’s just changed so much. I feel like it’s becoming more of a business than a creative outlet like it used to be. They’re making people pay adds, banning people for no reason, not showing your posts to friends. I hope it goes back to being more of an open space.
Do you have any pets?
Yes! Two dogs – Harvey and Skol. I am obsessed with puppies (I call all dogs, no matter their age, puppies) and would own a million more if I could. But I’m happy with my two for now.
What’s your dream job?
I love so many things and am the type of person where if I want to do it, I’ll find a way. But my passion has always been flying. Ever since I was a little girl, I would stop everything I’m doing (and everyone else around me) to look at a plane that was flying by. I’m in the Air Force and I’ll be going off to pilot training soon. I am BEYOND excited that this dream is coming true. I’ve never wanted anything so badly.
How do you describe your style?
This is a complicated question and answer because I’m still trying to figure that out for myself. I would say it’s a mix. I know there are things I definitely don’t like but there are so many things that I do. It mostly depends on the day and my mood but sometimes I want to be girly, other days sporty. I almost always like to have some kind of edge to every outfit. I’m loving the grungy street style that’s happening right now.
How do you deal with haters?
I always say if you have haters you’re doing something right. Of course, it’s important to pay attention to why they’re there – if you’re being mean and people don’t like you, that’s way different than people who are hating just to hate. If they’re being superficial (“you’re fat, ugly, your photos suck”, etc etc) just ignore them. They’ll always be there, so just keep doing your thing and spreading your love and it will all work out.
Tips for that “Perfect Instagram Pic”
SUCH a long answer, so I’ll make a separate post + video about that. My biggest message is to remember the overall story you’re trying to tell, not just how you want to look in a photo. I believe if you figure out the WHY, everything else will fall into place.
Are you still in college? Did you enjoy college?
I just graduated but yes, I loved my college experience! Advice if you’re going or are in school currently: enjoy it. This is SUCH an exciting time. I know there will be tons of ups and downs – I’ve had so many during my four years – but time will fly and these years will make all the difference. It’s your first step at being a real adult and making a life that you want for yourself. I also made the most incredible friends that I think will be lifelong at this point.
What’s your diet and workout?
I am someone who’s really lucky where I love fruits and vegetables. I definitely feel it if I don’t eat right, so I make it a priority. I also workout on the daily and I’ll make a blog about that too! But I love sweets and there’s no getting around that ever. I try to have just a little bit of chocolate each night so that it never gets out of hand. I’ll try to make a “What I eat in a day” blog.
Who’s your style icon?
Rihanna. She’s the absolute queen of everything. Seriously, she’s a chameleon I swear. She looks good in everything she puts on. I do have a lot of fashion icons though, like Xenia Adonts or Blake Lively. I love how fashion is a way for people to express themselves.
Anything else you’re dying to know? Leave it in the comments below!
© Gina Johnson Spoden 2019