The OG Gossip Girl aired its last episode in 2013, but is it ever really over? Of course not! (and with HBO’s reboot, it’s truly not over). But one thing that will always keep Gossip Girl alive, aside from the fans, is the show’s impact on fashion. Gossip Girl will live on in infamy along with these legendary Gossip Girl outfits.
While the list could go on and on, here are the best outfits from the show:
This is definitely not an all-inclusive list (too many to love) nor is it the last! If you love this blog, I’ll give you plenty more legendary Gossip Girl outfits to steal!
What matched their clothes? DESIGNER SHOES of course! Serena + Blair loved a good pair of Louboutins – but are they worth it?? I did the research so you wouldn’t have to!
Also, I searched long and hard to find the designers of each piece, which wasn’t easy! If any are incorrect or if you’ve found the missing gems, please let me know in the comments below!
You know you love me.
© Gina Spoden 2021